I-Dog Dance

Want to win this cute little dog? To find out how to enter, read on.....

I've already blogged about how my kids think the I-Dog Clip is kewwwwl..... Now check out its super-kewwwl big brother, the I-Dog Dance. He's fun to play with on his own: you can make him sit, stand, tap his paw and obey several other commands by touching his face. But plug him into your iPod or MP3 player, listen to music on his speakers, then watch him reeelly git funky witcha.

Here's how my kids play with the I-Dog Dance:

1) as a lava lamp (they are totally mesmerized when the lighted dots on his face blink in various "mood" patterns)

2) as a robotic pet (along with Tumbles the Fur-Real Friend, since Alfie and I won't let them have a real dog)

3) as an excuse to borrow mama's iPod (as if they can't use the cd player... but as they like to whine, this is so much more fuuuun!)

How would you play with the I-Dog Dance? Tell me how, and you could win your very own I-Dog Dance! Here's how to enter:

* Visit the I-Dog website and check out the whole menagerie of I-Dog products.

* Leave a comment at this post -- tell me which one(s) you like best and/or how you would use your I-Dog Dance.

* Don't forget to include your email address so I can contact you.

* For an extra entry, blog about this giveaway on your own blog and include a link to this post. Leave an extra comment with your name, email address and a link to your blog.

I'll draw a winner at random on November 14, 2008. For the full giveaway rules, click here. And come back on November 8th-- I'm giving away an I-Dog Clip!


  1. I think my boys would like this.
    Great idea to have a permalink to the giveaways rules! I'm going to have to do that.

  2. My four-year old boy would love the I-Dog Dance for our weekly Gnarls Barkley Dance parties. Currently we have them in the kitchen using ITunes on our desktop but if we got an I-Dog Dance, we could rock out in the living room and play music out there. My email is ericacosgrove@yahoo.com.

  3. So my daughter is in love with the pink fuzzy i dog and my son giggled hysterical at the demo of the dancing penguin! They are all really cute and I would love to hook my i pod up to any one of them for my kids. It would be fun to dance with while I am getting dinner ready!

  4. i'd use it to entertain my daughter, husband, in-laws and grandma. my pooch however may get a little jealous.

  5. I'd dance along with it - might get my ass off the couch!


  6. Well, I'm not much for TV, but my partner is. It would be great to have a distraction in the living room, other than mundane TV. We could use it Daily to avoid the after work/home from Daycare slump that they get into while I'm cooking up dinner. And What little kid isn't going to get up & dance with a cute lil pup. Our fav was the I-Dog Amp'd and the Blue I-Dog Demo!

  7. I just love the I Dog Amp'd! I'd use it to entertain the grandkids. They keep telling me that my board games are old and tired- I guess this would spark them up some! Thanks!
    hondaray6 at hotmail dot com

  8. Oh my goodness--I just went to the I-dog site, and had so much fun. I want one of these for myself. They are all so cute. I like the little gy that looks like a penguin, but I also like the soft speaker one, because it's pink my favorite color. Thanks for having this giveaway. Judie

  9. I think I would use it to entertain me while I'm on the treadmill and maybe help me go at a faster pace~!

  10. Oh I just think I-Dog Dance is just the "bomb" he is so cute. But if I can't choose I-Dog Dance then I think I-CY is adorable also. We would have a blast with I-Dog Dance at the office. We hate it when it's quiet and hum drum at the office and this would add some pizzaazzz and fun to our day for sure! Thanks for sharing such a cute item :)

  11. I think this item is so cute and fun I just had to blog about it and leave a link for others to find you. Check it out at my blog

  12. Oh, I'd SO dance along with the iDog. Of course, I'd have to share it with the 4 kids, too, I suppose. Thanks for the chance!

  13. My son is soo excited to get that cute little dog so I'd like to submit another entry request.

    I blogged about your site & the I-Dog dance site at :
    I've put a blog up for it at http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog&pop=1&ping=1&indicate=1

  14. OH! What a great gift to give my grandkids for Christmas! I would love to win this one for them. Thanks so much for the chance!

  15. My daughter would love this dog. I saw at the I-Dog website that they have a penguin called Icy. He looks fun also. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    skstigger (at) hotmail.com

  16. LOL, I-CY would be perfect for my penguin-obsessed son. That way we could turn him on in the kitchen and both of us could dance around while I'm cleaning up.

  17. I love the soft idogs!

    kelli at pfrog dot net
