Parking Pal hits the spot

My sister's two eldest kids are two years apart. I admiring the technique she used to keep her rambunctious 2-year-old son safe while she struggled to unfold the baby stroller in parking lots. She would say, "Keep your hands on the car, kid, hands on the car". And it worked. He put his hands on the car and stayed still.

The Parking Pal magnet builds upon her tried-and-true method. It's a strong, flexible magnet that parents or grandparents or babysitters place on the side of the car. It gives kids a specific spot to "high-five" -- and stay focused on -- while the grownup in charge struggles with groceries, keys, or any of the millions of distractions that can take our attention away from small children when loading or unloading a car.

** Giveaway alert**
Now you can try the Parking Pal for free! I'm giving away 1 Parking Pal magnet on Halloween, Oct. 31. To enter, just leave a comment on this post with your email address so I can contact you. I'll draw a winner at random on October 31. For full contest rules, click here.

** Contest alert**
The folks at Parking Pal are giving away a $100 Toys-R-Us gift card to one lucky entrant. To join the contest, just purchase a Parking Pal magnet from their online store, or for a free entry, send your name and address to by 12/14/08 to: Parking Pal, 317 Nickless, Frankenmuth Mi 48734. Entries must be postmarked by 12/14/08.


  1. What a neat idea. I would never have throught of it. Good training for a child.

  2. I love this! I saw one on a car the other day and thought that I needed one too!!

    autumn398 (at)

  3. Neat idea. This would be a big help keeping my two out of harm's way.

  4. yes you are a genius

  5. Man, i have been doing this with my 3 year old while I get the 1 year old out. But this is much nicer than telling her "touch the gastank...TOUCH THE GASTANK!!!!! TOUCH THE *&$*$( GASTANK!"

  6. This is a great idea! I would love to have one to use with my little one!

  7. Very cool! I think we need this, I don't know how many times I screamed, "Where are you?" to my kids on parking lots while we run in circles around the minivan.

  8. Cool idea


  9. I have a 5 year old that has a mind of her own, this might actually work on her, nothing else has.

  10. I think my sister needs this. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!

  12. I'm mailing in an entry. But if I can enter here too. That's great. Thanks for doing this Parking Pal!
