Kung Fu Panda crafty giveaway

If your kids are anything like mine, by now (6 or more weeks into summer) they're whining at every available moment,

"I'm bored!"

"There's nothing to do!"

"Can I use the computer???"

"How come you're always on the computer? I want a turn!!"

Unfortunately I can't help you with that last whine (you're just going to have to give your kids a turn on the computer and go do your laundry), but I do have something to shut your kids up if they start with those first 3 whines. I'm giving away 2 Kung Fu Panda craft cd's from HP. Each is filled with Kung Fu panda activities that you can print out and keep your kids engaged with:

To enter, just leave a comment with your email address or blog (By the way, please read the complete contest rules here). I'll draw 2 random winners from all the entries on August 15. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    My name is Marisa Hicks. I am the Marketing Manager at the Nut Tree Theme Park in Vacaville, CA. I would love to send you some giveaways to post on your site. Also, if you haven't brought your kids here yet, I would love to send you some passes to come spend a day on us! Just let me know.
