Happy Birthday to Me, Here's your goody bag!

It's my birthday today, and to celebrate, I'm handing out the presents! Today I'm giving away a tshirt from Living the Dream (green, short-sleeved, size medium). I think these shirts are so funny, and they totally capture a mom's reality.

Just leave a comment here -- and don't forget to include your email address or blog address -- for a chance to win. I'll select a winner randomly (sorry, US residents only) from the entries ten days from now (June 1).


  1. sayang, US residents lang! :)

    happy birthday!!!

  2. awwww.... I don't qualify. I'm in Singapore.

    Happy birthday! :)

  3. Those are so funny! I love it!

    scblog at hotmail dot com

  4. These Living The Dream tees are so GREAT! The LAUNDRY one always makes me smile...I can relate to loads and loads of laundry...and that's just my husband... :)


  5. Happy Birthday...but I can't be in the contest...:)

  6. Happy Birthday and it would be great if I'd get a tshirt as a present for you on your birthday (figure that out)! Pick me, pick me, pick me!

  7. Uy, pick me! Never mind that it's nepotism :)
    Happy birthday!

  8. oh i love being a mom its a lot of fun i get to stay at home all day long with my little onecleaning and welljust haveing fun and going out for walks and all kinds of things its so cool and yes i would love to try to win this give away thanks

  9. Belated Happy Birthday! I'm glad to have stumbled upon your site when I searched for filipina moms. I like your blog already! :)

    Two special ladies in my life were also born in May: mom on the 24th, sis on the 30th. Hope you enjoyed your special day. And I hope I win the shirt. :P

  10. The results from my Random Number Generator are in....and the winner is... brines!

    Congratulations, and please send me your mailing address so I can get the shirt to you! Thanks for playing, everyone, and I hope you come back to my site for more giveaways.
