Get Fit -- Wii Fit, that is!

I've been suffering from gym fatigue lately. It's been getting increasingly difficult to drag my butt over to the treadmills, the weight machines, the fitness classes, all of it. Even the prospect of childcare for 3Po and CleanBoy doesn't get me all excited like it used to now that they are older and able to amuse themselves more easily.

So spending a month in England this summer gave me the perfect excuse to cancel my gym membership (they don't allow temporary cancellations and why pay the monthly fee when I won't use it?). But I'm a bit nervous about breaking my fitness routine; I've always found working out on my own to be difficult without the incentive of a gym or class. Running outdoors? Difficult without childcare, and tiresome with a double jogging stroller. Workout DVD's? Boring after a while.

So I'm reeeeeelly tempted to get me one of these Wii Fit systems. I am completely anti-videogame, but I tried the system out at Citymama's Wii Fit party and realized how easy it is to get hooked. Technically, yes, it's an interactive video game, but there's no shooting, explosions or other objectionable videogame stuff ; you do balance, strength and endurance exercises using the standard Wii console and the Wii Balance board.

You input your height, age and other factors, the Balance Board records your weight, and voila, you have a personal log, complete with BMI, program goals, progress tracking, and all that good stuff.

I had no idea that my balance SUCKED so badly until the Wii Balance board told me so! I'm definitely going to work on my one-foot crane pose and core strengthening exercises now.

My balance may be shaky but I totally rocked that hula game!

(This is just a photo of the yummy sangria they served at the party, which only made me more determined to get back on that balance board, get my score up to "Calorie Torcher" status and burn off those calories).

It was certainly a fun party and the Wii Fit is certainly a fun way to mesh videogames and exercise. But at $90 for the board, not including the Wii console, I'll have to hope I win it on Citymama's Wii Fit contest.

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